Trees are 4-5′ with a 1/2″ caliper. Check with your local store for current availability. Foliage: Glossy Green. Zee Sweet Nuggets 4N1 Pluot with Splash, Geo Pride, Emerald Drop & Flavor Grenade S P APPLES Anna Remarkable apple for mild winter areas. Shipping Info. Chinden Blvd. Firm texture with a small seed. Orange, Cara Cara Navel . Fruit Trees. Add to cart. Whenever Spice Zee is grown at home and harvested when it is at its most ripe,. Store Hours & Address. We will begin shipping them in January. And of course, the Spice Zee Nectaplum is outstanding. It seems that August is the peak season for stone fruits at the Farmer’s Market. Louie’s Nursery is a proud member of the David Austin Roses Premier Partnership Program. . Am I correct in assuming this tree should be pruned to open vase? I think I’ve left this tree unpruned or pruned incorrectly far too long. 990 5 39752 nectarine lizs late semi br 41. This scion was gifted to me from 7seas, thanks! I grafted it about a year ago. 00 NO 05 NECTARINE Arctic Star White - semi-dwarf MAR_2022 55 $54. Despite its reputed high quality, SpiceZee has consistently been rated at the top of taste tests. Unlike the backyard, there are no big trees to shade it out. Details Colorful, Delicious Original Spice Zee NectaPlum™ Mid-Season 300 Hours Chilling Requirement Natural Cross Called an Interspecific Nectarine, Peach, Plum Hybrid Sweet. Maps of DWN Retailer LocationsOther (see description), 6ft. It’s a natural cross that is the result of careful. There is no comparison to the taste of this dish. All You should know about Nectaplum (Prunus X 'spice Zee') > how to care and characteristics 🌱 PlantIn 🌿 Our best expert are here for your plants! Plants & Diseases Plant Identifier Plant problemsProduct Details. They received the exact same spray. Olive: Arbosana: Italian olive: Olive: Carboncella: Italian olive:Related Article: Nectarine Jam Canning Recipe: A Simple Guide. Click On Icons For More Information: Chill Time Mature Height and Width Fruit Harvest Time Chill Time Many stonefruits and pomefruits, such as apples, apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums and their relatives, require a level of winter "chill hours" to set a crop the following summer. Spice Zee Nectaplum Tree. 95. Corona del Mar, CA 92625. There is only one well known variety of this Spice Zee which has the appearance of a nectarine with very intensely flavored, sweet, white flesh. Vigorous tree. Hey all, Just curious about hybrids and what you can graft onto them easily. Once perfectly ripe, you will be rewarded with a sublime experience of yumminess. Chilling requiremeSpice Zee nectaplum didn’t have any issues with hardiness the 5 or 6 years it fruited for me. Green fruit with red stripes. Excluding Sales Tax. The Spice Zee Nectaplum tree is a hybrid cross between a plum and a nectarine. Spice Zee Nectaplum. The tree grew like a champ last year and put on a lot of new growth. Do you think this is late OFM or freeze damage. The Spice Zee Nectaplum has surprising pleasing flavor. Japanese varieties are first on the market with European plums ripening in the fall. PLUM - Beauty, Burgundy, Mariposa (aka Improved Satsuma), Weeping Santa Rosa. Nectaplum - Spice Zee Regular price $65. 300-400 hours. Self fruitful, does not need pollinator. Stunning dark red leaves and beautiful pink flowers. It has a low canopy with a typical clearance of 2 feet from the ground, and is suitable for planting under power lines. All You should know about Senecio Wax Ivy (Senecio Macroglossus 'variegatus') > how to care and characteristics 🌱 PlantIn 🌿 Our best expert are here for your plants!Nectarine 'Sunraycer'. Prunus persica var. Monday-Friday 8-5. We do not ship. Would it do well with a central leader style?Products. It is not a cross between a peach and a plum. It is slightly acidic and loaded with sugar, giving it a spicy sweet flavor. . and since its part Plum, then easily do other types of plums ont. This Spice Zee Nectaplum is easily one of the best pieces of stone fruit we've had all season. Wow. Ladle the jam into sterilized half-pint jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Spice Zee NectaPlum™ Prunus persica var. Self-fruitful or polllinated by Dorsett Golden or Einshemer. Stir in the pectin. ”. Five gallon cans available from early spring to through summer. I planted it. Color: Copper. The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Hybrids. Spice Zee Nectaplum packs a pile of amazing fruit into an attractive tree for the home gardener. Five gallon cans available from early spring to through summer. Wednesday - Saturday 8am - 4pm. We offer unique and rare fruit and nut trees, shrubs, and vines. The fruits are showy dark red drupes with shell pink overtones, which are carried in abundance in mid summer. Created with the #GoPro App on iPhone. One can detect both Plum and Nectarine traits in the fruit. In this video you'll learn about nectaplums, how to harvest them, w. There are three fruit,for the first time,on a young Honey Kist. Nectaplum - Spice Zee. Vine & Bush Fruits. One can detect both. I bought a Spice Zee nectaplum this weekend. We also offer a variety of tree maturities, ensuring the perfect pick for every project. I did some Summer pruning on my Spice Zee Nectaplum. 99 Peach - Sauzee Swirl (White Donut) (Semi-Dwarf on Citation) $74. Nectaplum Tree (Spice Zee) $ 44. Store Hours:NECTAPLUM Spice Zee - Std. Raintree lists the Spice Zee as self fruitful. SpiceZee packs a pile of amazing fruit into an attractive tree for the home gardener. It does flower and leaf out. My first ripe nectarine, very tasty and sweet. See moreA nectarine dominant hybrid with plum. I just picked up a Nectaplum bareroot tree after pondering different nectarine options and settling on the Spice Zee due to the foliage and good fruit reviews (subjective I kn… Is there Plum Curculio in Idaho? Growing Fruit. The Spice Zee NectaPlum has been developed by Zaiger Genetics out of hand-pollinated seed obtained by carefully cross-pollinating related trees. Select options. Spice Zee nectaplum usda10a sunset 22. I’m in Vista, CA with winter lows above 35°F. Peach - Pix Zee (Miniature on Lovell) $74. Below is a brief description of the Eyeconic Lemonade Rose Rose: #1 Grade. My Zaiger NectaPlum has a few flowers and flower buds left plus a lot of fruit sets. Root. At this point the tips of that new growth are about 9 feet tall. Zones: 6-10. 50% peach, and 12. Click on the gallery to see which cherimoya tree variety. The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Hybrids. For delayed billing call (800) 733-0324 & order by phone. U. Self-fruitful. Compact tree-form does well in drought conditions. A nectarine dominant hybrid with plum. Add 1 tsp. The description of the fruit gives the details: The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Genetics: a white-fleshed, nectarine-peach-plum hybrid. I up potted to 10g this past winter when it was dormant. And the tree itself is gorgeous with pink-purple flowers and glossy dark red leaves that turn greenish in summer. Garden City, ID 83741 (the former Costume Shop) Monday ~ Saturday 9:00 am ~ 6:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pmДорогие друзья, представляю Вашему вниманию плодовые косточковые культуры с декоративными красными. I grow two of those varieties. After growing like gangbusters last year I hacked it back this year and I may have set it back. She thinks that’s where thrips stay and scar the fruit. Spicezee Nectaplum will grow to be about 15 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 15 feet. These Nectaplums were harvested 8-31-17. 50% plum. San Antonio CollegeNectaplum 'Spice Zee' Chaenomeles 'Black Light' Wellhouse Leucojum. More. Louie’s Nursery is a proud member of the David Austin Roses Premier Partnership Program. Fiber pots available from winter to early spring. It is slightly acidic and loaded with sugar, giving it a spicy sweet flavor. O. diamondjfarms Needville, TX(Zone 9a) May 02, 2012. jpg 3264×2448 2. Dwarf tree grown on Lovell rootstock. Tremendous Spring bloom with dark red leaf in Spring turning to green-red in late Summer. Nectarine 'Arctic Star'. Utilize in desserts or preserves. 50% peach, and 12. The flavour is excellent and well balanced between the plum and cherry parentage. Both nectarine and plum traits are easily detectable. B-7 Nectaplum Spice Zee 200-300 B-8 Plum Burgundy 250-350 B-9 Plum Methley 250 B-10 Plum Santa Rosa 400 B-11 Pear Southern King 300-350 B-12 Pear Acres Home 300-350 B-13 Peach August Pride 300 or less Has naturally spreading shape. Spice Zee does get big. Page 2- Spice Zee Nectaplum Home Fruit Growing - General Dave Wilson Nursery FORUMS - Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trees > Home Fruit & Nut Growing > Home Fruit Growing - General: Spice Zee Nectaplum User Name: Remember Me? Password: FAQ: Calendar: Today's Posts: Search. 99; Product Category. M-F 9-4 & Sat 11-4. The tree will receive full sun and we added a little compost to the planting hole (otherwise it's in unamended soil). In fact I cropped both on the same tree about 4 yrs. Price From $29. Phoenix Tropicals. . Such a pretty tree! Fruit set for me has been horrible, hopefully this year will be better. Select options. 00 Peach Arctic Supreme, Babcock (White), Donut, Elberta Elberta, Eva’s Pride, Fairtime. The Moonglow pear’s soft, juicy flesh is nearly free of grit and has a sweet mild flavor. Here’s mine today about a month away from harvest. . Step 4: Transfer into jars and can. The baby fruit is ruby-red, and is so fun to watch. Skin is dark maroon at fruit set, and turns pale pink when ripe. Extremely sweet, small to medium sized round fruit. com. Chilling Hours: 200. We just harvested our first Spice Zee Nectaplum and, no exaggeration here, it was just about the tastiest fruit weve ever eatenvery sweet, with a indescribably rich taste and aroma. This plum-peach-nectarine hybrid has a red-purple skin and a creamy white flesh, with some of the highest sugars and strongest acids of any stone fruit out there. David Austin English Roses are characterized by their fully cupped blooms and wonderful fragrance. Growth Habit. See full list on bhg. Dave Wilson Nursery®. The Spice Zee Nectaplum tree is a hybrid cross between a plum and a nectarine. Dormant spray to control dormant diseases & overwintering insects. Spice Zee Nectaplum Snow Queen Nectarine Gold Dust Peach Orchard Nursery Bareroot Fruit 2023. I know it’s late in the season for ordering bare. 99 2922-br 4-6' Nemaguard 400 Indian Free $69. NectaPlum® -Spice Zee. The narrow leaves turn yellow in fall. Flavor is excellent, very sweet though slightly acidic. This beautiful and flavorful stone fruit has a bright personality due to the Peach parent, which. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 8am-4:30pm CURRENT BUSINESS HOURS CITRUS VIEWING HOURS: 8:30am-12pm and 12:30pm-4pmDavid Austin English Roses are characterized by their fully cupped blooms and wonderful fragrance. Fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavor, and both nectarine and plum traits are easily detectable. Add to List. Bake or make preserves with fruit. You'll have about three to four weeks to pick the fruits before they start to rot. 05 MB. Hybrid Fruit Trees. Chilling Hours: 200. Spice Zee Nectaplum is not exactly early here. Peach and Nectarine Multi-Graft Combo #1. Skin is dark maroon at fruit set, and turns pale pink when ripe. Closed Sundays . Products. An attractive upright tree with a great flush of Spring time blossoms and. Spice Zee is the first member of the NectaPlum™ family of fruits. For budded fruit trees, please check with them regarding rootstock choices. Nectaplum Spice Zee $33. Call Us (800) 733-0324 6855 Newnan Road, PO Box 190The first NectaPlum%uFFFD from Zaiger Genetics: a white-fleshed, nectarine-peach-plum hybrid. . It sprouts from an ornamental tree which makes it popular for home gardening, but is not large in the commercial market. Panamint Nectarine Tree Prunus persica var. Remove the pot from the heat. The most important new fruit variety over the last 30 years. The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Hybrids. C-1 Nectaplum Spice Zee 200-300 C-2 * Peach Mid Pride 175-200 C-3 * Peach Stark Donut 200-300 C-4 Peach Tex-King 450 C-5 * Peach (NEW VARIETY) Tropic Beauty 150 C-6 * Pear Southern King 300-350 C-7 Persimmon Fuyu 200 C-8 Plum Burgundy 250-350 * New to this Sale. I'm waiting for a few Fantasia Nectarines to ripen in a couple of weeks. Figs, Pomegranates, Quince, Persimmons – all require 300 or less chill hours Special Hybrids – Spice Zee Nectaplum or Flavor Delight Aprium For more December tasks. Arctic Glo Nectarine; Arctic Jay Nectarine; Arctic Star Nectarine; Atomic Red Nectarine; Double Delight Nectarine; Nectar Babe Nectarine; Sauzee King Nectarine; Snow Queen Nectarine; Olive Trees. Fruit has sweet, slightly acidic, and spicy flavor. Greenhouses in 300 Morning Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93306A nectaplum (interspecific nectarine) is a tradename for varieties that are a hybrid of nectarines and plums developed by Floyd Zaiger. My Spice Zee produced three fruits last year, and they looked very very bad, with alot of sap coming. Mark unread; Skip to new; Mark unread Print Skip to new. OK, so here are some pictures. I may have picked it a bit early but they are already having a perfumy smell on the tree and couldn't wait to try one. m27 - 6-8' prov quin - 12-16' newroot - 8-12' citation - 12-15' Nectaplum 'Spice Zee'Nectaplums Chill Hours: 300-400 Fruit Ripens: Late Summer The ‘Spice Zee’ Nectaplum Tree is relatively new, popular fruit tree variety. Spice Zee packs a pile of amazing fruit onto an attractive tree for the home gardener. Both the leaves and fruitlets get crispy and the. 99 – $ 59. Connect with your neighbors to swap gardening information.